Eli 4 weeks later

Mr. Eli Esham is now 8lbs. He is growing and changing so fast.
Daddy is great at calming Eli down during his evening feed.
Waiter...bring me a milktini!

He likes to relax in his bath and contemplate life's mysteries.

Pap drove 21 hours straight to see his buddy Eli.

He truly is dog gone adorable.
Grandma giving Eli a bath.

Eli loves to look at Aunt Jeanne's blanket.  I think he likes the T with the turtle best.

This soft blanket arrived in a wagon with a stork from Aunt Tamela and Uncle Dick. 

I love this hat Aunt Marika made for Eli.  This cute bib came all the way from Austria.

Aunt Faith gave Eli this blanket from Churchill Weavers. 

Adam and I went out for our 5th wedding anniversy to Rudy and Paco's for dinner while Grandma and Pap watched Eli.

My sweet baby!!!!

Eli is quite happy in Pap's arms.

Eli is already a beach bum.

Eli 3 weeks later

It is really hard to believe our little baby is already 3 weeks old. Eli got his first bath this week and seemed to really enjoy the water. I think our boy will certainly be a swimmer.

Can you find our cat George?

Eli spit up his first time after I put this outfit on him.

He is so happy in the water.

My sweet boy!

Kristen is trying to spoil Eli by holding him as much as possible.

I think this one really looks like Adam as a baby.

He likes his tummy time.

He is always moving his arms.

Oh, can he get mad!

His sunshield blanket is a little big on him yet.

Eli 2 weeks later

Eli had his 2 week check up on 5/11/11.  He now weighs 6lbs 10.5oz and grew an inch already.  Dr. Rogers said he looked perfect!

Eli getting ready for a mexican party...Ole!

This is at 3:00AM when I am trying to get Eli to eat; doesn't he look lively.

He is such a cuddly little peanut.

He has such long arms and legs.

Eli 1 week later

It is hard to believe our little boy is already a week old.

Eli enjoying his soft blanket from his Great Aunt Kathy.

He loves to be cuddled by Dad.

 Baby Eli in his truck outfit from Aunt Emmie.

Eli enjoying his truck blanket from Great Grandma Glasgow and Aunt Jeanne

This is Eli's normal reaction when I am trying to feed him...back to sleep.

Eli in his business attire

This was Adam's bassinet when he wasy a baby

Grandma could hold Eli for hours.