Eli 22 weeks later

Eli 21 weeks later

Eli is growing and changing so fast.  He loves to squeal. 

Eli was ready for the Ohio State game.  He was so excited that he would not nap.

Eli likes to come join us when he wakes up in the morning.  He gets so excited as soon as he sees your face.

This was Uncle Eric and Brandon's outfit when they were babies

Eli 20 weeks later

Tonight when I went to check Eli crying in his crib he had both legs completely out of the crib through the slats and was stuck. 

Eli 19 weeks later

Eli had his 4 month check up this week. He weighed 11.14lbs and measured 25 inches long.

I love Eli's grin.

He is putting everything in his mouth now.

This was Daddy's girafe when he was a baby.

He is so long!

I don't know how he gets himself in these crazy positions.

Wahoo for Aunt Emmy visiting!  Eli really enjoyed playing and walking with Aunt Emmy.

Eli 18 weeks later

Eli started daycare at a woman's house in Galveston this week.  Bebe watches two other children who are nine months old.  He seems happy there except he refuses to nap much. 
There was no shade so we had him well covered. 

Eli 17 weeks later

Camp Beaverhead 2011