Eli 35 weeks later

Merry Christmas 2011.  It was Eli's first Christmas.  We had so much fun with Ghee, Papa George and Aunt Emmy.   Eli crawled over to the Christmas tree and pulled up to stand on one of the presents.  He wants to stand all the time now.  He started eating lima beans and broccoli this week.  He loves all the veggies but finds the fruits too tart.


Eli 34 weeks later

Eli began crawling this week.  He is moving slow yet but can get to where he wants to go.  A friend of mine, Bonnie Youngs, took these wonderful pictures. 

Eli 33 weeks later

Eli decided to share his blanket with George.

These two are inseparable.  Lynnie can really make Eli giggle.

Eli 32 weeks later

Snuggled in with Aunt Emmy.

I could not get some of these pictures to turn, sorry.

Eli chatting with Elmo.

Eli was baptized on 11/27/11 at Second Presbyterian in Portsmouth. 

I think Eli actually enjoyed being sprinkled with water.  He mostly wanted to play with our papers throughout the service.

Debbie (Ghee) made this beautiful gown.
He could spend the whole day in the bathtub.