Eli 38 weeks later

Grandma and Auntie Robin helped us pack up 6 years at 628 13th Street.  We shipped most of our belongings to storage in Ohio and rented a house about a block away from our previous home.  The animals have adjusted pretty well.  Eli also had his 9 month check up this week.  He weighed 15.8lbs and measured 27.5 inches.

Eli 37 weeks later

It has been a very crazy week.  We accepted an offer on our house on New Year's Eve and will be closing on January 17th.  Eli had his first work day with Mom as I was very surprised when the daycare was closed Monday morning.  He loved playing with all the fellows and nurses!  I think he actually enjoyed spending the day at the clinic until I gave him a flu shot on the way out the door. 
Greenbeans and peas are still his favorite foods. 

Eli 36 weeks later

Aunt Emmy stayed the week after Christmas to take care of Eli while Adam and I went back to work.