Eli 41 weeks later

He is moving pretty quick these days.  His favorite food is still peas.  Although he is now enjoying chicken baby food and chicken noodle. 

Eli in Samir and Jen's outfit.

Again, he loves climbing on couch.

He definitely has a twinkle in his eye.

He really enjoys this toy from his Aunt Emmie.  He is learning his numbers and colors in English and Spanish.

He makes me so happy!
This was Adam's Cincinnati Reds shirt.

We go for a walk every evening at 5:00pm and little man occasionally takes a short nap.  The dogs love this new routine. 

Eli 40 weeks later

Eli loves to climb on the stepping stool that Auntie Robin got him.

How could you not be happy with these two smiles?

His giggles are priceless.

He loves to sit on the couch with us so he can climb all over it.  I'm worried he may crawl out of his crib soon.

Eli 39 weeks later

Kristen came to visit and play with little Eli.  Galveston had missed her!

Eli's first trip in his backpack.

He was happy to let Kristen haul him around.

We parked Eli on the balcony of Murdoch's facing the ocean.  He was quite happy to watch the waves.

Eli is still loving his baths.