Eli 45 weeks later

Adam's first Black Drum this year.

Eli only likes to get in his carseat if it is in the kitchen.
An evening out at the Saltgrass.

We gave Eli a banana to play with on our trip back from Houston.  When we got home he had eaten part of the peel and through the banana to the side.

Eli 44 weeks later

We had a wonderful weekend in Grove Hill.  Ma made tea cookies for Eli.  Aunt Ann and Uncle Frankie made us feel at home and stuffed us with amazing food. 

Four generations!

Eli was so tired at the end of our trip home from Alabama. 

Eli 43 weeks later

Great-grandpa and Great-grandma celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.   It's amazing to think that they have been married for 70 years!  It was a wonderful day with Uncle Brandon, Aunt Michelle, Lauren, Sami, Grandma and Pap. 

Eli is always content to hang out in Pap's arms.

Uncle Brandon and I couldn't get Eli to nap, but of course Grandma was able to rock him to sleep.

Eli and I then spent a nice day in Portsmouth with Ghee and Grandpa George.    Ghee, Eli and I flew down to Mobile and spent the night at Uncle Dick and Tamela's house

.  It was also great to see Ashley, Jake and Drew.  The boys were so great with Eli. 

Eli 42 weeks later

Eli and I traveled Ohio to visit family and house shop.  
Eli did great on the plane.  We had both seats next to us open so we played the whole way. 

Eli is supposed to be eating a bedtime snack, but I think we are playing instead.

Grandma had Eli giggling by throwing the ball in the air.