Eli 48 weeks later

He is so happy in the swing.

We couldn't find him for a minute and he had snuck behind the couch and into his toybox.

My skinny little guy.

On our way to Garofalo's pool.

Little man chewing on a rock.

The water was quite chilly so Eli wanted to stay close.

He really loves his blanket from Mrs. Rooney.

Eli likes to peek out the window to see what George (the cat) is doing.

Eli 47 weeks later

Aunt Emmy came to stay with Eli for the weekend while Adam and I went to Dallas for Sammer and Jen's wedding.   It was our first time leaving him, but he had a great time with Aunt Emmy. 

Aunt Emmy had Eli decked out in his UK attire.

Aunt Emmy took Eli for his first trip to the Aquarium.

He was a little freaked out by the fish.

Eli's famous pout face.

They made a stop at the rain forest also.

Adam and I got ready for Sameer and Jen's first wedding ceremony.  It was a beautiful wedding.

Second Wedding

As you can see we had a great time. 

I thought Eli might miss us, but obviously he was having a great time with Aunt Emmy. 

Eli 46 weeks later

Eli really loves the beach.  It's amazing that he doesn't like to eat cookies but will eat sand and grass. 

Eli's first time in the swing.  He loved it.