Eli 5 weeks later

Grandpa Esham holding his first grandchild.
Eli is mesmerized by Grandma Esham

I think Eli would be happy if you left him in the water all day.

I'm impressed!  I have not mastered reading and holding Eli at the same time yet.

Debbie did a great job of spoiling her grandchild.

Grandma Champagne's last day with Eli before she made the trip back to Ohio. 

Eli's grandmothers were determined to get him to smile.

I couldn't believe he got those rings and was pulling on the elephant.  He is already very clever.

Dad's evening routine.

Maybe he is going to model.

Eli could have slept there all day.

He is completely relaxed during his bath.

We had such a good visit.  It was hard to say goodbye.