Eli 9 weeks later

Eli made his first trip to Ohio this week. He did great on the plane and slept the whole way. Everyone in the airport was so helpful getting me through security while I juggled Eli and our luggage.  We did a whirlwind tour of Chillicothe and Portsmouth.  

Adam held Eli the whole evenig before our trip.  I think Dad was trying to soak up as much Eli as possible

Auntie Robin and Grandma were waiting at the gate for Eli and me.
Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Terry, Aunt Kathy and Aunt Anita had a couple hours with Eli before they all headed to the airport.  It was so wonderful to see them all together. 

Grandma would rock Eli every moment if I let her.  He apparently is very content with her plan.

Eli was always happy to sleep on Pap on the couch.

Eli and I spent a wonderful weekend visiting all our special friends in Portsmouth.  Saundra and Wayne came to visit and hold Eli shortly after we arrived.  This is Eli hanging out on Adam's bed.  I think Adam is still a little freaked out that there is now a crib in the bedroom in which he grew up. 

Eli and Grandpa George watching TV before bed.

It was a special treat to see Aunt Faith while we were in town. 
We had a great visit at Debbie and Steve's.  It was fun to see Janel, Lauren and Gwen.  The girls are so cute and growing so fast.
I told Eli these guys will likely be his hunting and fishing buddies in a few years, but beware as they will likely get him into some type of trouble!
Cynthia and Gerald are so sweet.  I assured them they are welcome to visit  Chillicothe anytime to babysit next year.

Rachel and Dwayne came over for a nice visit.  It looks like Eli was so comfortable in Rachel's arms that he decided on a nap.
Saturday night we went to a party at the Waller's beautiful home.  Their outdoor space should be showcased on HGTV.  I was worried about Eli being cranky since it was evening time, but it was actually wonderful.  Oh he  was still cranky, but there were at least 6 women who were willing to walk, rock, bounce, jiggle, sway, sing or anything they had tried in their past.  I had such a great time listening to all their stories and advice. 

We met Aunt Marika and Uncle Bill for breakfast at Bob Evans.  We couldn't travel north and not eat at Bob's!

Mark and Willa also stopped by to meet Eli.  Willa definitely had the touch.  Willa and I decided since it was Sunday morning that we would have to wait till next visit to toast with our cosmos.

As I was getting ready to leave, Grandpa George had the option of holding Eli or loading the car; and he quickly volunteered to hold his grandbaby.  I think Eli could have just hung out there all afternoon.

Grandma Debbie read Eli a quick story before we traveled back to Chillicothe.


It took about 2 seconds after we walked into the door that Great-grandpa was holding out his arms to snag Eli. He didn't miss a second of seeing Eli during the visit.
This was a special visit to Great-Grandma and Grandpa's.  After dinner we sat on the front porch enjoying the beautiful scenery while Aunt Jeanne sang.  Hearing Aunt Jeanne's voice brought back so many great memories.  Eli was clearly charmed by her voice.
Great-grandma took her turn spoiling Eli as well.  It made me so happy to see Eli in my grandparents arms. 

It was so fun visting Uncle Brandom, Aunt Michelle, Lauren and Sammie.
Lauren is such a big girl now and was proud to hold her baby cousin.

I think Grandma enjoyed every minute with her Eli. 

 Thanks to all of you for your support and love of our family.