Eli 27 weeks later

Eli is 6 months old this week.  I can't believe Adam and I have a 6 month old child.  He is growing up so fast.  He is amazing and so happy all the time.  He was 13.9lbs and 26.5inches long.  He is tall and skinny just like his daddy. 

Auntie Robin came to spend her fall break with her favorite nephew.

He's not loving the rice cereal, but at least he is not refusing.

He was supposed to be napping but of course is smiling at us instead.

Auntie spoiled little Eli while Mommy went to work. 

Bath time!

We had to put his bath tub in our shower as he loves to splash around and make a mess.

We went to the Garofalo's pool however I couldn't figure out the heater so the water was a bit chilly.

Crazy Auntie and Eli decided to brave the cold water.

Surprisingly Eli didn't cry until we took him out of the pool.

Eli had his 6 month check up and was loaded up on the vaccines.

He handles his shot pretty well. 

Auntie and Eli waiting on the porch for Grandpa to come home.

It doesn't matter how chilly it is outside Eli always loves it.

We had such a nice visit with Auntie and will miss her.